Razvoj tehnologije digitalnog upravljanja inverterskim napajanjem
Razvoj tehnologije digitalnog upravljanja inverterskim napajanjem

S razvojem informatičke tehnologije, inverterska napajanja sve se više koriste u bankarstvu, vrijednosni papiri, vojnog, medicinski, zrakoplovstvo i druga područja. The early inverter power supplies only required that their outputs could be uninterrupted, voltage stabilized, and frequency stabilized. .

Međutim, in addition to these requirements, today's inverter power supply must also be environmentally friendly and pollution-free, to je, a green and environmentally friendly inverter power supply. At the same time, with the development of network technology, higher requirements have been put forward for the network function of inverter power supply.
High-performance inverter power supply must meet:
①High input power factor, low output impedance;
②Shaanxi speed’s transient response and high steady-state accuracy;
③High concealment, high efficiency and high reliability;
④Electromagnetic interference from Di;
⑥Perfect network functions. Obviously, the realization of these requirements cannot be achieved without digital control technology.

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Razgovaraj s Kristin
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  • Kristin 10:12 AM, Danas
    Drago mi je primiti vašu poruku, a ovo ti je Kristin odgovor